Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Assignment #03 -- Interview Letter

LucasFilm, Ltd.
5858 Lucas Valley Road
San Rafael, CA 94946
Phone: 415-662-1800 

Dear Mr. Lucas:

As an Upper Classman In Film at Brooks Institute, I start production for my portfolio class next semester. I would love the opportunity to schedule an informational interview with you to learn more about film making from a successful directors perspective.

I have been fascinated with your approach to film making since I can remember and you are still one of my driving inspirations for me as a young director, and I felt you would be one of the most enlightening people in the field that I could possibly interview.

I know that you must be quite busy, so I assure you I will be brief -- taking up no more than 30 minutes of your time.

I will contact your office next week to inquire about a convenient time for scheduling this informational meeting. You can also reach me at 805-705-4120 or at

Thank you very much for considering this request.

Best Regards,

Jake Longstreth

Assignment #02 -- Personal Artists' Statement

The appeal of cinema to me lies in its ability to suggest the kind of knowledge that might be said to reside in the soul—hinted at by sound and visual associations, as if in a dream—and whether I follow, observe, deconstruct or altogether dispense with narrative, it is this affection for the ineffable that informs my work more consistently than anything else.

Assignment #01 -- Artists' Statements

  1. The films I create are steeped in tradition. I utilize classic film form to highlight everyday activity. These activities can be absurd, mundane, weird, and melancholic. Humor and playfulness are devices I use in my films to allow the viewer to relate, to find something comfortable. The things I notice in everyday life, aspects that seem normal or acceptable, can actually be quite bizarre and dramatic and I use film to highlight the oddness of life.  –Kyle Moe
  2.  I make films to investigate culture, explore transformational moments, unearth valuable stories, and question traditional paradigms. I create narratives that lead to more questions - that ask audiences to look at their own beliefs and histories with a new curiosity. My films are about emotional journeys, personal transformations and social movements.  When making cross-cultural documentaries, I expose problematic elements, such as the privilege and power of the filmmaker.  I play with experimental fictional narratives where the film form is deconstructed.  –Crescent Diamond
  3. "My paintings represent an ongoing quest to understand the human psyche and to reveal that which cannot be expressed with words. I strive to tap into the natural creative energy that is shared by and connects all living things and transfer this onto the canvas; my work is intended to be as subtly nourishing and enriching to my viewers as it is to me. Every time I start a new painting, I take a leap of faith to allow this creative energy to flow through me and the paint, and to communicate something vital to the viewer -- without naturalistic imagery or symbols, but rather with pure visual form, like music." -Leanne Venie
Everyone has his or her own story to tell. The whole purpose of an “artist statement” is to allow the artist to give their audience just that much more insight into why the artist creates their medium and what they are trying to say with that creation.  The question here is “what makes a good artist statement?”  By breaking it down into categories one can evaluate for his or herself if the questions they have are being answered.  The three statements I’ve evaluated I believe to be similar in nature but at the same time speak to that individual artist. 

All three statements begin with the type of art form or genre, then go on to explain what their art means and why the artist creates. Phrases such as these “I create narratives that lead to more questions - that ask audiences to look at their own beliefs and histories with a new curiosity” and “I strive to tap into the natural creative energy that is shared by and connects all living things and transfer this onto the canvas” combine certain conventions and rhetoric that affectively differentiates them as individual artists as well as conveying the internal intentions of the artist as they create. 

Statements such as these “The things I notice in everyday life, aspects that seem normal or acceptable, can actually be quite bizarre and dramatic and I use film to highlight the oddness of life.” and “My paintings represent an ongoing quest to understand the human psyche and to reveal that which cannot be expressed with words.”  Provide the context and social elements as the artist see’s it in his or her own mind. Thus verbally showing the audience the circumstances surrounding the creation(s) as well as how the artist wants their work to relate to the audience.

Monday, June 1, 2015

About Me: Jake Philip Longstreth

I am a 24 year old filmmaking student at Brooks Institute, emphasizing Writing, Producing, and Direction in my studies. I have studied Film Theory since I was a junior in High School. I decided to forgo College after my senior year in HS, choosing instead to pursue my (at the time) dream of becoming a Producer. However, after spending 6 months at Chernin Entertainment in Santa Monica, CA and another year at IMI Talent Agency, working under Jon Karas, it became clear to me that working inside of an office was not something I was suited for, which is how I wound up at Brooks.

I've always wanted to be involved in the filmmaking process, I just wasn’t clear on which side of production I was best suited for. Today, I love everything about being a student at Brooks Institute and all the opportunities its provided me, and will continue to provide me as time goes by.

Outside of my life as a student, I live with my girlfriend and cat in Ventura, CA. My favorite past-time, however, is writing of all kinds. I enjoy writing various types of screenplays (TV Pilots, Short & Feature Length Films, as well as writing letters to friends and family. There’s something about receiving a letter or package in the mail that is unmatched by any kind of electronic communication.

I also enjoy a number  of other activities such as photography, hiking, traveling, and reading as much as I possibly can. My favorite author is the great Michael Lewis, author of “Moneyball,” “The Blind Side,” & “The Big Short,” as well as another number of outstandingly written books. I enjoy his writing because he has a way of humanizing every story he sets out to tell, never showing an overwhelming or strong biased, which he may or may not actually possess.

Raised by both my parents to love and follow sports closely, I am a diehard fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Kings, and Lakers, as well, and most importantly, the Minnesota Vikings. Since LA has no Football team, and I have never been able to find anything redeeming about the other teams in California, I took it upon myself at a young age to choose and underdog and stick with them. The Vikings are as underdog as professional sports teams come.

I am excited to be able to share a very brief introduction of myself with you all!