Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Assignment #03 -- Interview Letter

LucasFilm, Ltd.
5858 Lucas Valley Road
San Rafael, CA 94946
Phone: 415-662-1800 

Dear Mr. Lucas:

As an Upper Classman In Film at Brooks Institute, I start production for my portfolio class next semester. I would love the opportunity to schedule an informational interview with you to learn more about film making from a successful directors perspective.

I have been fascinated with your approach to film making since I can remember and you are still one of my driving inspirations for me as a young director, and I felt you would be one of the most enlightening people in the field that I could possibly interview.

I know that you must be quite busy, so I assure you I will be brief -- taking up no more than 30 minutes of your time.

I will contact your office next week to inquire about a convenient time for scheduling this informational meeting. You can also reach me at 805-705-4120 or at

Thank you very much for considering this request.

Best Regards,

Jake Longstreth

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